A.S. Handover

Established 75 years ago, we take pride in hand making professional quality brushes at our workshop in Welwyn Garden City. We also specialise in supplies for gilders, signwriters, pinstripers, specialist decorators, artists and a wide range of other craftsmen working in stained glass, graining, marbling, stencilling, theatrical make-up, picture restoration, scenic painting, coach painting and a host of other skills.

To supplement our own production we also stock a comprehensive range of decorating tools and brushes, scumble glazes, signwriting enamels, varnishes, french polishes, universal strainers, pigments and artists’ oil colours, water colours and acrylics.

We are one of the UK’s foremost suppliers of gold leaf and gilding supplies with extensive stocks of genuine gold leaf (in several shades and carats), white gold, moongold, palladium, silver and copper as well as imitation gold and imitation silver.

Our wide range of products is used by the country’s finest craftsmen in museums, film studios, stately homes and the Houses of Parliament. Our loyal customers range from independent decorators through to the royal household at Buckingham Palace. 

Read more about our history here >


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