Full City Rooster : Sign Painter's Blend Coffee
Published on 20.05.2016 by Charlotte
Published on 20.05.2016 by Charlotte
Buy Sign Painter’s Blend Coffee→
We are very excited to announce that Handover now stock a limited run of Full City Rooster’s ‘Sign Painter’s Blend’ coffee.
Smooth, bold, with low acidity. The Sign Painter’s Blend was created exclusively for Starr Studios in Denton, Texas.
Here is the complete story:
This coffee is a “Baru Indian High” estate coffee grown in the Boquete region. All Baru Indian High estates are located in Panama’s Boquete region and have altitudes from 1360 to 2000 meters above sea level. Baru Indian High is Suarez family owned and managed by Norberto Suarez. Their estates’ soil is of volcanic origin. With temperatures averaging 15 to 22 degrees Celsius, the estates have an average rainfall of 3000 millimeters per year. Baru Indian High processes all of their own coffee at the Beneficio Don Pedro, located in the Cochea region, Dolega District. Coffee is wet processed and dried by the sun; temperatures range from 18 to 27 degrees and in the summer humidity is between 40 and 60 percent. The final drying process takes place in drying machines to maintain homogeneity, with maximum temperatures of 50 degrees. Each of the estates that are managed by Baru Indian High have a unique micro-climate which produces incredibly varied flavor profiles. The Camiseta Estate is a “Baru Indian High” coffee. Vidal and Eira Suarez started coffee agriculture in the El Salto microclimate, towards the top of the Barú Volcano in the area known as Camiseta. The coffee plants grown on the estate are 80% Typica. AWinds are North-South during the summer season with the Baru Volcano located to the west and the Central Mountain range to the North, making this the ideal location for the coffee activities.
Origin: Panama
Region: Boquete
Subregion: Camiseta Estate
Processing: Washed
Wet Mill: Beneficio Don Pedro
Dry Mill: Beneficio Don Pedro Plant
Species: Arabica Coffee
Grade: SHB EP
Growing Altitude: 1300-2000m
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